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Return policy


Before sending the package back to us, we recommend filling out the electronic form - you can find the link in the order confirmation email. Then, simply add the assigned number to the package.


If you want to exchange the size, please place a new order and indicate in the note that it's for an exchange. You don't need to pay for the new order. The goods will be reserved for you, and we will send them to you as soon as we receive the package back from you. To expedite the process, please clearly write "EXCHANGE" on the package.

Before sending the package back to us, we recommend filling out the electronic form - you can find the link in the order confirmation email. Then, simply add the assigned number to the package.


When resolving a complaint, we recommend filling out the electronic form - you can find the link in the order confirmation email. In the form, you can also attach photos of the defect and the invoice. Once you receive an automatic confirmation, please respond to that email, and we will then contact you about the next steps.


If you wish to withdraw from the contract within the 14-day period or exchange the goods, please send the packaged shoes with the original box back to our address:

Barefoot botky, Antonína Dvořáka 1101, 28002 Kolín 2 

Please do not use the address of the Jabkenice branch for sending the package, as there might be delivery issues, and the package might be returned to you. The whole return process will be prolonged due to the need for re-sending to Kolín.

You can also return the shoes at the physical stores in  Kolín.



barefoot asociace Podnikavá žena RUP

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